Sunday, January 1, 2012

Health Menace – Waxed Fruits & Vegetables!

Top medical experts reveal another menace to the
nation’s health – a toxic wax on fruits and vegetables.
Next time you eat an apple, green pepper or cucumber,
etc. take a good look at its surface. Is it bright, smooth
and have a glossy look? If so, beware! Chances are it’s
coated with a wax paraffin solution which is one of
America’s most serious health threats, according to
medical experts! Scratch surface to check for wax. The
wax coating seals fruits and vegetables with a protective
layer which they claim retains the water and juices,
preserving the taste and creating a false appearance of
freshness. It leaves a toxic wax residue that clogs the body!
What you are eating is a kind of wax that cannot be
handled by your body – a paraffin wax which is a byproduct
of petroleum. There is no organ in your body,
including the liver, that can process petroleum. This
deadly wax therefore runs wild in the body. That is one
reason doctors are so baffled by the many new diseases
that American people are acquiring from eating foods
contaminated by commercial food interests. Demand
organic produce and unwaxed fruits and vegetables from
all your produce markets - this helps get results!
This wax can cause damage if it remains in the body.
You must stop eating waxed fruits and vegetables. If you
must, then be sure to peel the skin. Your weekly 24 to 36
hour fast combined with longer fasts during the year
will help rid your body of this wax, if you do eat some.

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