Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rid Yourself of Depression

The worst aspect of autointoxication is that it has
been building up for years. It takes water fasting, whole
natural foods and living a healthy lifestyle to defeat it.
When these poisons are surging through your body, you
often are pessimistic with depressed feelings. The
mockery of life comes home to you. You begin to wonder,
“Is it all worthwhile?” Then one morning you awaken
to find your cheery self again. Though a bit shaken up,
you have hopefully beaten off the foe. Newspapers,
magazines, TV and radio all sell products that make
promises to relieve you of that “half alive” feeling. Which
one do you take? There are no shortcuts to feeling your
best physically and mentally and looking your best.
You are punished by your bad habits of living!
You are greatly rewarded by your good habits of living!
Ageless Mother Nature will not let you get away with
abusing your body. You must pay a high price every time
you insult your body with dead and devitalized foods.
Of course, you could take drugs to deaden or stimulate
your body, but you are living in a fool’s paradise if you
think you can eat any old thing and then swallow some
kind of magic pill and get away with it. You pay a dear
price every time you make a garbage can of your
stomach! Your heart and arteries suffer. Your spells of
autointoxication (self-poisoning) are shortening your
life. Each attack leaves its mark and, for this reason, it’s
something to dread. Please don’t poison your bloodstream.
Learn to defend and protect yourself against all possible
autointoxication by living The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle.
Once a week make it a habit to take a complete water
fast, lasting from 24 to 36 hours. On the days you do
eat, consume only natural, organic and unpoisoned
foods. Let your mind rule your body. Flesh is dumb! You
can feed your stomach anything. Now you are going to
use common sense and eat with new health intelligence.

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