Friday, January 27, 2012

Liquefy or Juice Fresh Organic Fruits and Vegetables

The juicer, food processor and the blender are great for
preparing foods, drinks, gentle (bland) diets and baby foods,
etc. Fibers of juiced fresh fruits and vegetables can be tolerated
on most gentle diets. Any raw or cooked fruit or vegetable
can be liquefied and added to broth, soups and non-dairy
(soy, rice or nut) milks. Fresh juices supercharge your energy
level and boost your immune system to maximize your body’s
health power. You may fortify your liquid meal or Bragg Pep
Drinks with any of these green powders for extra nutrition:
alfalfa, chlorella, barley green, spirulina, rice bran or wheat grass.

Give Your Vital Force a Chance to Clean House!

So it’s plain that when you stop eating to give your
body’s Vital Force a chance to clean house . . . you will
miss the food habit the first few days of your fast! It
could be uncomfortable if you allow it! Think positive!
When you fast, your Vital Force loosens the waste in
your body and gathers it up to be discarded. As long as
this goes on you might feel some discomfort. But once
the waste is discarded through the kidneys, you will
begin to feel better. As you fast, conditions change from
day to day. When your body is eliminating heavy
amounts of toxic poisons through the kidneys and other
organs of elimination, you could feel some discomfort.
But it should also be clear why you may feel better on
the 7th day of a 10 day fast than you did on the 3rd day.
Many of the toxic poisons that gave you trouble have
been flushed out of the body! Many people who fast
under my supervision felt far better and stronger on the
10th day of the fast than they did on the 1st day.
This always happens when I take a 7 or 10 day fast. I
always feel stronger at the end of my fast than I did at
the beginning. The cleaner you are inside, the more Vital
Power you have! So at the beginning of the fast, just
grin and bear the discomforts that may occur as you
purify the body. You know that as you get cleaner, you
are going to feel stronger. Again I say, to be a good faster,
you must, “Just Grin and Bear It!”. Whatever brief
discomforts you may experience during a fast are well
worth the great rewards you are going to receive!

Don’t Live to Eat – Eat to Live & Be Healthy

The hotel guests did absolutely nothing to earn all
these meals, but they paid for them and felt they should
be there to eat them. The same thing happens on cruise
ships. There is always a crowd waiting for the dining
room to open so they can eat what they paid for.
Food! It can be a blessing to man, but also a curse!
The body can take a lot of abuse from wrong food and
overfeeding. But there comes a day when the body’s
digestive system becomes over-stuffed, overworked and
overwhelmed – it’s then that health problems begin!
Digestive troubles plague modern man. Constipation
heads the list of his miseries. Tons upon tons of pills,
powders and liquids are sold to try and flush out the
waste packed into people’s intestines and colon. Modern
man packs food into himself faster than the functions
of digestion and elimination can handle it! This is very
much like trying to race your car with the brakes on.
There is scientific reasoning that constipation is the
foundation of many other body ailments. The reasoning
behind this conclusion is sound. If constipation means
retention of waste, here’s a simple test you can take.
Prepare your next meal, made up of everything you
would ordinarily eat, but don’t eat a mouthful of it.
Instead, put it in a pot; then place the container with
the food in a temperature around 100 degrees, the same
as inside the body. See that there is a liberal quantity of
moisture. Now watch what occurs over the next 8 hours.
The very first things you will notice are the bad odors
and rancidity. Then the food will mold, ferment and
bubble with gas. This gas pressure causes many miseries
in the body. If the gas presses upward against the
diaphragm you may even have stimulated a heart attack.
As it presses against the back muscles, it can cause terrible
backaches. This fermenting mass of putrefaction is
always throwing off toxins which can cause pounding
headaches, mysterious aches and pains all over the body.
Elementary microbiology tells us that, to produce
germs in quantity, keep food fermenting in the colon
and the bacteria will obligingly multiply. So, right in
our bodies, we breed all kinds of “bugs” that can cause
trouble. If you are prone to viruses such as colds, chronic
sinusitis and other ailments, a constipated condition
creates a favorable environment for the presence and
growth of unfriendly “bugs” involved in such ailments.
The toxic poisons generated by overeating or too
much of the wrong foods, can damage one of the body’s
most important organs – the liver. Few people realize
how important their liver is to life. It’s a great chemical
laboratory with many functions. It not only gives forth
bile, but it is the body’s greatest garbage disposal.
The liver and intestines are partners in the whole entire
digestive process! If one is sick, the other tries to come to
its aid until it too, breaks down. When the liver and the
digestive systems break down you are in serious trouble!
This is why you often find a swollen sensitive liver, a pasty
complexion and many times, jaundice and chronic
fatigue in conjunction with ongoing constipation.

Just Grin and Bear It

“I want to fast because I believe it would do wonders
for me, but how can I fast and yet escape the great feeling
of hunger that the first 3 days of fasting produces?” That
is the question that is put to us many, many times when
I discuss the Miracle of Fasting at our Bragg Health
Crusade lectures all over the world. We can give only
one answer “Just Grin and Bear It.”
“I tried a fast once, but I got weak and felt miserable,
I just had to start eating.” We often hear this excuse.
Nowhere in this book have I stated that fasting is
easy. Eating regularly has become such an ingrained part
of people’s lives that, if you take food away from them,
they experience many mental and physical reactions.
That is the very reason why fasting is not popular.
Humans are creatures of strong habits. Most people
automatically eat 3 or more meals every day and not
because they have earned their food with physical activity.
They have been brainwashed to believe everyone should
eat at certain hours for three regular mealtimes.
Patricia and I had the pleasure of being invited to the
grand opening of the fabulous Mauna Kea Hotel, on the
Island of Hawaii. It was an American-plan hotel, which
means the cost includes meals. Breakfast started at 7:30
am, luncheon began at 12:30 pm and dinner at 7 pm.
We passed the dining room at these hours, the guests
were all eagerly waiting for the doors to open so they
could get at the expansive buffet.
Were they hungry at exactly these hours? How could
they be? Most of the guests did nothing but relax on
the beach, socialize, drive golf carts, play cards or read!

Learn to Read Your Tongue’s Message

Mother Nature shows the faster by coating the tongue
that his body contains toxic poisons. The characteristics of
tissue construction especially
of the powerful internal
organs – the kidneys, liver
and all the glands – are like a
sponge. Imagine a sponge
filled with a thick putrefying
paste. I have supervised
thousands of fasts and seen
huge amounts of toxins
people store in their body
trying to survive on the
Standard American Diet (SAD).
During a cold, have you
ever stopped to think how
much mucus and phlegm
passes out of the body through
the nose and throat? This is also
how the vital organs such as the
lungs, kidneys and bladder are passing out poisons during
this cleansing (mucus, phlegm, rashes, fevers, etc.) crisis.
Start now to learn more about yourself by fasting and
closely watching your tongue, the spongy organ whose
surface accurately mirrors the health or ill health of every
other part of your body. The “Magic Mirror” can be a
guiding star in your journey to Super Health. The more
faithfully you follow a good fasting and a natural eating
program, the cleaner your tongue will become during a
fast. Also when you brush your teeth, brush or spoon
scrape your tongue from the back to the tip.
This is a definite signpost that you are on your New
Bragg Healthy Lifestyle Road – a life free of physical
problems and misery. This road will lead to your greatest
achievement – an Ageless, Painless and Tireless Body! So,
as you go on your 24 to 36 hour or 7 to 10 day fast, note
how much cleaner your tongue becomes with each fast.
This will reveal the amazing Miracles of Fasting to you!
Man does not die of old age! It’s been proven there
are no special diseases due simply to old age. Most
diseases kill both young and old. Many diseases start
from a body loaded with toxic poisons. Keep the body
clean by following your regular fasting program plus
eating only healthy foods. Your tongue and urine can
be your guideposts to internal purity. Watch both
carefully with respect when you do a cleansing fast

The Body Can Take a Lot of Abuse!

The average person believes that if they have one
good bowel movement a day, usually in the morning,
that they are free of constipation. Not so – one full
bowel movement is not sufficient to remove all food
material the average person stuffs into his intestinal
tract. As a consequence this rotten, putrefying, morbid
waste lies in the intestine, where it undergoes
enzymatic and bacteriological changes that can cause
severe health problems and maybe even colon cancer.
The human body is basically strong and can take a
lot of abuse from over-stuffing, plus eating unhealthy
meals. It is most difficult to tell these people who eat
incorrectly and have only one bowel movement a day
that they are constipated and thus are inviting serious
troubles later. But there is one warning signal – an
unhealthy tongue – that can tell these people that they
are carrying a nasty cesspool within their bodies.
If these people fasted for 2 or 3 days on distilled water,
their “Magic Mirror” tongue would tell them plainly that
they are carrying a horrible mass of fermenting poison inside
of their intestines. A few days of fasting will coat the tongue
with a thick, white, toxic material that has a strong odor.
This whitish coating can be scraped off and examined. In
fact, you can spoon-scrape and brush the tongue clean but,
in a few hours, the coating usually returns. This is an
indication of the amount of putrefying toxic filth, mucus
and poisons that are accumulated in the body’s cells that
are now being eliminated from the inside surface of the
stomach, intestines, organs and from all parts the entire
body. This is one of the cleansing miracles of fasting.
The actual amount of toxic material the average
person carries around with them is almost unbelievable!
In my opinion, many physical problems are the result
of this clogging of the 30 foot intestinal tube, the cells
and the entire circulation and pipe system of the human
body. I believe that these poisons cause a constitutional
clogging of the entire human pipe system, especially
plugging up the microscopically tiny blood capillaries.

Your Tongue Never Lies – It’s Your Inside Magic Mirror

Your tongue – your inside magic mirror – reveals how
much toxic material is stored in the cells and vital organs
of your body. The tongue (a spongy organ) is mirror of
the stomach and the entire mucos membrane system.
In your body there is a hose-like tube that averages
30 feet long, extending from the mouth to the anus. It
has the body heat of 98.6°, plus body moisture. Through
this tube passes all the food you eat. Now, different foods
take different times to pass through the tube. Sad facts –
most people eat an unhealthy, refined, concentrated,
acid-forming diet. They eat large amounts of refined
white flour, white sugar, salt and saturated fats. Most of
these commercial foods lack sufficient bulk, moisture
and lubrication to pass quickly through the 30 foot tube.
I believe that there is a common factor that precedes
or is coexistent with most body ills that afflict us. This
common denominator is constipation. Definitions may
differ but it is logical that if outgo does not equal intake
– either in terms of quantity or in frequency – then
constipation will occur and it can be the beginning
of more serious physical problems.
Most people are brainwashed to believe there is no
harm in eating almost anything, as often as they desire
it. We are told to eat big breakfasts to furnish plenty of
energy to last all morning. Soon after breakfast they
consume more food, donuts, etc. at mid-morning coffee
breaks. Then comes lunch, then a mid-afternoon coffee
break followed by the usual heavy evening meal, later
TV snacks and a bedtime snack before retiring. On top
of all this food, many people will gorge on snacks of
candy, salted nuts, cakes, pies, cookies and ice cream,
etc. This means that food is ingested six or more times a
day, literally stuffing and overworking your stomach!