Look at yourself in the mirror. Do your shoulders
slump? Is your upper back round? Do you have a
potbelly? Are you a swayback? Can you now see the
reasons why your back has the right to ache? The
bending, slumping, ligament-stretching force of gravity
has taken its toll. But even though you are presently a
sufferer of backache due to weak muscles and bad
posture, don’t despair. You can restore back comfort with
this posture exercise and The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle.
It has often been said that backache is the penalty
man must pay for the privilege of standing and walking
upright on two feet, often wearing uncomfortable shoes.
Every infant struggles to stand instinctively on his own
two feet and walk. He need not be taught. He will attempt
this bipedal gait even if left alone most of the time and
never instructed. It is natural for a human being to stand
and walk in this manner. This is interesting, because
there are no animals which spend all of their standing
and walking hours on two feet, not even gorillas or
chimpanzees. These apes use their hands and arms to
help them move about. The world’s strongest gorilla
would be unable to follow a busy person, walking erectly,
for more than a short time. This is because human beings
are meant to walk erect and animals are not.
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