The average person believes that if they have one
good bowel movement a day, usually in the morning,
that they are free of constipation. Not so – one full
bowel movement is not sufficient to remove all food
material the average person stuffs into his intestinal
tract. As a consequence this rotten, putrefying, morbid
waste lies in the intestine, where it undergoes
enzymatic and bacteriological changes that can cause
severe health problems and maybe even colon cancer.
The human body is basically strong and can take a
lot of abuse from over-stuffing, plus eating unhealthy
meals. It is most difficult to tell these people who eat
incorrectly and have only one bowel movement a day
that they are constipated and thus are inviting serious
troubles later. But there is one warning signal – an
unhealthy tongue – that can tell these people that they
are carrying a nasty cesspool within their bodies.
If these people fasted for 2 or 3 days on distilled water,
their “Magic Mirror” tongue would tell them plainly that
they are carrying a horrible mass of fermenting poison inside
of their intestines. A few days of fasting will coat the tongue
with a thick, white, toxic material that has a strong odor.
This whitish coating can be scraped off and examined. In
fact, you can spoon-scrape and brush the tongue clean but,
in a few hours, the coating usually returns. This is an
indication of the amount of putrefying toxic filth, mucus
and poisons that are accumulated in the body’s cells that
are now being eliminated from the inside surface of the
stomach, intestines, organs and from all parts the entire
body. This is one of the cleansing miracles of fasting.
The actual amount of toxic material the average
person carries around with them is almost unbelievable!
In my opinion, many physical problems are the result
of this clogging of the 30 foot intestinal tube, the cells
and the entire circulation and pipe system of the human
body. I believe that these poisons cause a constitutional
clogging of the entire human pipe system, especially
plugging up the microscopically tiny blood capillaries.
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