Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Are You Now Ready to Fast, Detox and Get Healthy For A Long, Wonderful Life

If you are convinced, without reservation that fasting
is a time to get detoxed and healthy, then you’re ready.
Remember, when you tell your conscious and your
subconscious mind you’re going to fast for internal
purity you set things in motion for success! You have
told every cell in your body that a fast is going to improve
your health. Your body’s cells will accept this command.
Start with a 24 hour distilled water fast. During these
24 hours you are going to put nothing into your stomach
except distilled water. If you eat fruit with this, it is not
a fast; it is a fruit diet. If you drink fruit or vegetable
juices during this 24 hour period it ceases to be a
complete fast, and instead becomes either a vegetable
or fruit juice fast. I want you to bear this in mind: a
complete fast is nothing allowed in the stomach except
distilled water! Your first fast may be easy or it may have
some rough spots. You may fast from lunch to lunch or
dinner to dinner, as long as you abstain from food for
an entire 24 hours. If you are accustomed to coffee, tea,
beer or alcohol drinks, you might have reactions . . .
one typical reaction appears in the form of a headache.
Why does this happen? Because the cells of your body
have conditioned themselves to regular dosages of a
stimulant. When you take the stimulant away from the
nerves and the cells there is bound to be a reaction. But
remember, this fast is going to help break that stimulant
habit, because during the 24 hour distilled water fast
you are flushing many of the buried poisonous residues
out of your body through your eliminative organs.
During their 24 hour fast, most people can carry on
their regular duties, even though they may have a little
discomfort. There may be some turbulence in the stomach
but, all in all, it should go smoothly and successfully if
you make your mind be master of your flesh. You are giving
the commands to your body from your higher brain cells.
You’re not going to be dragged down to the level of the
lower stomach cells. Remember it’s important everyday,
especially fast days, to drink ample water. Get started!

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