Around noon or so we will eat our main meal of the
day. We start with a large delicious salad (recipe pg. 231).
After the salad we have one cooked yellow vegetable –
such as a baked yam or carrots – one green vegetable,
such as Swiss chard, kale, mustard greens, broccoli,
zucchini, squash or green beans – and some type of
vegetable protein. We enjoy tofu, beans, lentils and raw
unsalted nuts of all kinds and seeds, such as sunflower,
pumpkin, sesame, etc. (Vegetable Protein Chart pg. 233).
Patricia and I have earned this meal through exercise
and activity. Now our bodies are ready to send the
digestive juices and internal secretions to get the full
nourishment and energy out of this natural food. The
mouth and stomach digestive juices are abundant. Extra
benefit – regular exercise, ample fruits and salads
promote good elimination. This program of 12 meals a
week, 2 meals daily, 6 days a week doesn’t burden and
exhaust the body’s digestive system and body’s bowel
eliminative powers (we fast for 24 to 36 hour period
weekly). On this Bragg Healthy Lifestyle program, you
don’t overeat, you educate your bowels to move soon
upon arising and usually you have a bowel evacuation
within an hour after lunch and an hour after dinner.
Most people are sick or half sick most of the time. It
is our opinion that they enervate and overwork their
body and exhaust themselves in trying to burn up all
those extra calories from all the excess foods they
consume!!! We don’t overeat and the only exception we
ever make for snacking between meals is to have some
luscious, juicy organic fruit. In mid-afternoon, we have
a juicy organic apple or fresh pineapple, mango or
papaya. When melons are in season, we find nothing
more refreshing than sweet, ripe melons; our favorites
are watermelon, cantaloupe, casaba and honeydew.
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