When you get a bad reaction from certain raw fruits
and vegetables, remember that these are cleansing and
purifying foods. Use a small amount until you can reduce
your body’s toxic poisons. Your weekly 24 hour fast is
going to get rid of a lot of your body wastes. If you have
the intestinal strength to fast for 3 to 7 days, most
troubles from cleansing foods disagreeing with you will
be over. What are the acid-forming foods? Chiefly sugar,
its products and coffee, tea, alcohol, meats and fish.
No doubt the idea of excluding even a portion of the
latter will dismay you, but if you want to live agelessly
you must do many things at first that dismay you.
Eventually you will be dismayed at your dismay. Often a
new task is difficult because you think it will be. Tackle it
with the idea that it is easy and it becomes easier! Living
on a diet composed mainly of organic fruits, veggies,
salads, nuts and seeds isn’t difficult. No one will deny
that fruits are luscious. Salads may be enjoyed in great
variety. The list of vegetables is long and diversified. All
the raw nuts and seeds, raw or lightly roasted pecans,
almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, etc. are
nutritious and delicious. You need not confine yourself
to these foods, but if you lean towards acidosis you should
combine fasting with a diet of fruits, salads and veggies.
If you must eat meat, it should be only 2 or 3 times
weekly. On the least symptom of feeling bad, it’s best to
get back to the healthier vegetarian alkaline diet quickly.
Headaches, dizziness, specks in the vision, bitterness in
the mouth, body fatigue and mental blockage merely
denote a bile attack, but again the disorder may be more
deep seated. If you think it’s your liver, you should cut
out all fats and flesh foods. Also, cut out all refined sugars
and refined starches. The little protein you need you
can get from organic healthy plant sources, beans, raw
nuts and seeds, sprouts, etc. The Vegetable Protein %
Chart on page 233 gives some healthy food-to-eat ideas.
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