It is natural to squat to have bowel
movements. It opens up anal area more
directly. When on toilet, putting feet up 6
to 8 inches on waste basket or footstool
gives the same squatting effect. Now raise
and stretch your hands above your head
so that the transverse colon can empty
completely with ease. It’s important to
drink 8-10 glasses of pure water daily!
Read pages 138, 155-157, and take psyllium in drink daily.
Some fasting books recommend that you should have
an enema or colonic daily during a fast. I feel enemas and
colonics during fasts are optional and usually not needed
– but if desired then try them and then decide. The only
time I suggest them is during extreme constipation, in an
emergency or on advice of your health practitioner. When
the bowel refuses to evacuate, or in illness, extreme gas or
bloating; an enema of warm, distilled or purified water
with 3 Tbsp of fresh lemon or aloe juice is strictly a
temporary means to cleanse and move the bowels.
In comparing the enema to a powerful laxative, we
would say that the enema is superior to the drug laxative
– but it certainly has its own faults. If you continue to
use enemas, laxatives or colonics over a long period of
time, it will irritate your bowel and wash out important
internal secretions (healthy intestinal flora or “friendly
bacteria”) necessary for good bowel function. To replace
the flora lost due to antibiotics, drugs, yeast infections,
candidiasis or colon abuse, a 40 to 60 minute retention
enema can be helpful. Use warm, distilled purified water,
add 2–3 tsps acidophilus liquid or powder to enema bag.
During a fast, your body is having a rest! Since no
food is being eaten, there might be only 1 or 2 or even
no bowel movements during the fast. Your elimination
system is having a rest. It’s best not to disturb it. The
body has its own sanitation and antiseptic system within
the bowel. Don’t worry, in most situations you don’t
need enemas. When you have finished your fast and
begin eating raw, healthy foods and living The Bragg
Healthy Lifestyle, your eliminations will be more regular.
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