Wednesday, January 4, 2012

No Heavy Breakfast Plan is Best

Another reason why I’m a believer and follower of
the “No Heavy Breakfast Plan” is because the big breakfast
can drain most people of the precious energy gathered
by the recharging night’s sleep. In the morning, your
energy – physical, mental, and spiritual – should be at its
highest. With this new energy the body has created, you
can do great creative and physical work. Famous radio
talk host Dr. Dean Edell agrees. Web:
I have shown elementary school, high school and
college students that they can do their greatest studying
early in the morning on an empty stomach. Most
students eat an evening meal, which is their heaviest
meal of the day, and then they try to study.
It’s a terrific effort to concentrate and study after
eating a huge dinner! Why does this happen? It seems
that the mind just will not work after a heavy meal. But
give these same students a good night’s rest, get them
up early in the morning and keep food out of them for
2 or 3 hours and they will become brilliant students.
I have taught this “No Heavy Breakfast Plan” to
millions of our health followers and readers world-wide.
Here’s the logical reason why I don’t believe in a heavy
breakfast. A heavy meal requires most of the total nerve
energy of the body to handle digestion, thus the mind
becomes enervated, making people dull, sleepy and
leaving the precious nerve energy at its lowest ebb.
Let’s look at it from another standpoint. Through
long years of misinformation, people have been told,
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives
you the strength, the energy and the vitality to do a
hard morning’s work, either physically or mentally.” This
is absolutely erroneous! It is not a true scientific fact.
When you eat a heavy breakfast, through reflex action
you feel full and satisfied, but you do not gain strength.
It takes hours for this food to be processed by the
digestive system before you can gain any energy or
vitality from a big breakfast. Digestion is a most highly
complicated process. Every item of food in the breakfast
has to be broken down into fine nutrient fragments so
that the cells of the body are fed.

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