One of the greatest worries most people who fast have
during a fast lasting from 3 to 10 days is that their bowels
may stop moving. You shouldn’t worry about bowel
movements during a fast! Elimination adjusts itself shortly
after each fast, so forget about bowel movements and think
about the wonderful cleansing your body is experiencing.
Mother Nature’s plumbing system works perfectly if you
allow it to (but a few colonics and enemas are optional if
desired and needed.) When the fast is over and you eat meals
that are well-balanced in bulk, moisture, lubrication and drink
8 glasses of distilled water daily, your bowels will move better
than ever! Try to eat 60% to 70% raw foods in the form of
organic salads, sprouts, fruits, veggies and their fresh juices.
Living The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle will promote a
healthier colon and regular elimination. You can also add
1 to 2 Tbsps of psyllium husk powder daily – hour after
dinner – stir in juices, pep drinks, herbal teas and even
the Bragg Vinegar Drink. This mixture works wonders!
Other miracles for regularity are 1–2 Tbsps crude
blackstrap molasses in cup of hot distilled water (it’s also a
healthy coffee substitute). Also another miracle are flax seeds.
I introduced them years ago and millions have benefitted.
Soak 2 Tbsps flax seeds in cup distilled water for 3 hours
(gets gel-like). Drink hour after dinner. Use as hot or cold
drink, add honey or molasses if desired. Great also to grind
2 – 3 Tbsps flax seeds and sprinkle over foods. Flax seeds are
nature’s richest source of Omega-3 essential oils for your
heart’s health. They help repair cells and tissues, transport
oxygen, satisfy hunger and help burn up excess body flab.
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