Over the years of following a program of fasting and
eating a diet containing an abundance of raw organic
fruit and vegetables, my body has become so keen that
it practically tells me what to eat at every meal. After
years on this healthy vegetarian diet, my body has lost
the desire for meat, fowl and fish. My diet is composed
of organic raw fruits and vegetables, cooked vegetables,
beans, legumes, brown rice, etc. with raw nuts and seeds
and their butters, raw wheat germ and Brewer’s yeast.
This is what my body seems to thrive on. But
occasionally there were times when my body told me to
eat a piece of meat or a piece of fish, or to have some
natural cheese or a few fertile eggs. In other words, my
body developed an instinct for the selection of foods.
Sometimes I go 4 or 5 years without tasting eggs, etc.,
then my body will telegraph that I need some. Listening
to my inner voice has helped me enormously.
Basically I have been a vegetarian by nature most of
my life. I was reared on a large farm in Virginia where
hundreds of hogs and cattle were slaughtered regularly,
so killing has always been repulsive to me! I have never
been a hunter or a fisherman because I do not like to
take another life. I have made 13 expeditions to distant
lands and I have found many robust, healthy people
living on a vegetarian diet. On the other hand, I have
found people in other cultures who also enjoyed higher
health and yet included animal products in their diets.
I roamed the South Seas for over a year at one time and
in those far flung islands I found supermen and wonder
women. They not only lived on an abundance of fresh
fruit and vegetables, but they included fish, fowl and
some meat in their diet. So you see I have tried to be as
fair as I could about this question of Vegetarianism versus
Meat Eating. I feel that as we cleanse and purify our
bodies we develop a keen sense of what is healthiest
and best for us to eat. Keep a daily journal and see.
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