Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fasting Balances Your Thermostat Naturall

I have fasted for so many years that I am perceptive
to what a fast is doing for me. My inner voice seems to
tell me when it’s time to break each fast. Remember, let
your body and inner voice guide you, for your body
wants you healthy, alive and the toxins removed!
I always mark on my calendar a fast for my spring
“house cleaning.” My spring fast always runs the full 10
days because that is when I truly want to clean house
after a long winter. During our Bragg Health Crusades, I
am often forced to talk in over-heated halls and
auditoriums. I am sorry to say that most humans cannot
take the cold weather, nor can they stand a fresh, healthy,
well-ventilated hall. So I must forget my feelings and
lecture in these over-heated halls to the hot-house plants
of modern civilization that most people have become.
Fasting so greatly purifies the body and so exhilarates
the body’s functions that the thermostatic system of the
body works with more efficiency. For instance, I can leave
my desert home near Palm Springs, California, in January
– when the heat averages in the 80s during the day and
the nights in the 60s – board an airplane to Midwestern
cities such as Duluth or Minneapolis, Minnesota or to a
Canadian city such as Toronto – where the temperature
will be as low as 10 to 30 degrees below zero and, because
of fasting and natural living, my body will adjust easily
to this bitterly cold winter weather.
I find I can take the most frigid weather better than
most of the inhabitants who are supposedly acclimated
to their own climate. This ability to adjust to climate is
only one of the many fasting miracles that happen to
the body. Fasting gives the body a chance to flush out
the toxic poisons and build up its Vital Nerve Force.
But, as I have stated earlier, when I go to the cities
that are locked in freezing weather, I find that their halls
and auditoriums are overheated. There is so little oxygen
in the air that my body will naturally absorb some of
the carbon dioxide that people expel from their lungs
during their breathing process. That is why my spring
fasting is so valuable. I want that 10 day fast to flush out
of my body any accumulated toxins, plus any other toxic
poisons that are found in those artificially heated halls.
That’s why my springtime fast is always 7 to 10 days.
Then when summer rolls around, I take a 7 day fast
in late July or August. This is the easiest of all my fasts
because I have been eating large amounts of luscious,
fresh fruits and garden-fresh organically grown
vegetables. I believe I enjoy my summer fast more than
any other. In fact, this fast is so easy that I never stop
either my heavy physical exercise or mental activities.
My autumn fast can be anytime in late October or during
November. It also extends from 7 to 10 days.
Fasting truly has many cumulative miracle effects. I
fast about 75 days a year. It is a great physiological rest I
give my body and digestive organs. This includes my
liver, gallbladder, and all other faithful organs, including
the ones producing hormones, that are running my body
and keeping me healthy! The physiological rest that I
give my pancreas allows it to produce ample insulin.
This also goes for the stomach, where so many digestive
juices are needed to handle and digest my food intake.

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