Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ten Common Sense Reasons Why You Should Only Drink Pure, Distilled Water!

There are over 12,000 toxic chemicals on the market today
. . . and 500 are being added yearly! Regardless of where
you live, in the city or on the farm, some of these
chemicals are getting into your drinking water.
• No one on the face of the earth today knows what effect
these chemicals could have upon the body as they blend
into thousands of different combinations. It is like making
a mixture of colors; one drop could change the color.
• The equipment hasn’t been designed to detect some of
these chemicals and may not be for many years to come.
• The body is made up of 70% water (shown on page 60).
Therefore, don’t you think you should be particular about
the type of water you drink to maintain your body?
• The Navy has been drinking distilled water for years!
• Distilled water is chemical and mineral free. Distillation
removes all the chemicals and impurities from water that
are possible to remove. If distillation doesn’t remove them,
there is no known method today that will.
• The body does need minerals . . . but it is not necessary
that they come from water. There is not one mineral in
water which cannot be found more abundantly in food!
Water is the most unreliable source of minerals because
it varies from one area to another. The food we eat – not
the water we drink – is the best source of organic minerals!
• Distilled water is used for intravenous feeding, inhalation
therapy, prescriptions and baby formulas. Therefore,
doesn’t it make common sense that it is good for everyone?
• Thousands of water distillers have been sold throughout
the United States and around the world to individuals,
families, dentists, doctors, hospitals, nursing homes and
government agencies. These and other informed, alert
consumers are helping protect their health by using only
pure, distilled water. Be wise – you do the same.
• With all of the chemicals, pollutants and other impurities
in our water, it only makes good common sense you
should clean up the water you drink Mother Nature’s
inexpensive way through distillation.

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