Most uninformed nutritionists call meat the #1 source
of protein. Those proteins coming from the vegetable
kingdom are referred to as the #2 proteins. This is a sad
and terrible mistake. It should be the other way around!
In this day and age, almost all meat is laden with
herbicides, fungicides, pesticides and other chemicals
that are sprayed on or poured into the feed which these
animals consume. They are also pumped full of
hormones, antibiotics, growth stimulators and all kinds
of drugs to fatten them up and keep them from dying
from the extremely unhealthy conditions most of them
live in! This is not to mention the admitted fact that
many of them are fed the dead, ground up carcasses of
other feed lot animals who, for a variety of reasons, didn’t
make it to the slaughterhouse.
Speaking of the slaughterhouse, what kind of
chemical reaction do you suppose would occur in your
body if somebody put a choke chain around your neck
to keep you in line, shoved you onto a conveyor belt,
and made you watch in horror as all of those in line in
front of you were beheaded one by one? Well, your body
would be pumped so full of adrenaline from all that fear
you wouldn’t know what hit you! Unused adrenaline is
extremely toxic. If you think for a minute that most of
the meat that you consume is not packed with this toxic
substance, you’re sadly mistaken!
Also, consider the fact that cattle, sheep, chickens,
etc., are all vegetarians. When you eat them, you are
just eating polluted vegetables. Why not skip all the
waste and toxins and just eat healthy, organic vegetables?
And what about that myth that you have to eat meat
to get your protein? If that were so true, where do you
suppose farm animals, especially horses, get all their
protein? They are vegetarians! They get their protein
from the grains and grasses that they eat. You are no
different. You can get the proteins you need from the
large variety of whole grains, tofu, raw nuts, seeds, beans,
fruits and vegetables that God put on this planet for
your health.
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