Let me explain. We eat food and as it passes through
the body, it must be masticated, digested, assimilated
and then the waste is eliminated. We have four great
organs of elimination: the bowels, the kidneys, the lungs,
and the skin. In order for these eliminative organs to
work perfectly, the body must build a high Vital Force
of body energy reserves.
It takes a tremendous amount of Vital Force to pass a
large meal through the gastrointestinal tract and also
eliminate the waste via the 30 foot tube that runs from
the mouth to the rectum. It takes the great power of
Vital Force to pass liquids through the 2 million filters
of the human kidneys. It takes Vital Force for the
chemical power of the liver and the gallbladder to do
their work in preparing food for the billions of body
cells. It takes great Vital Force for the lungs to deeply
inhale up to 2 quarts of oxygen with each breath, to
purify the entire bloodstream in your body and expel
the toxins and the carbon dioxide. It takes great Vital
Force for the skin (often called your third kidney) with
its 96 million pores, to throw off body toxins in the form
of skin rashes, pimples, sweat and foul body odors.
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