Sunday, January 1, 2012

Salt: Some Startling Facts:

Salt is not a food! There is no more justification
for its culinary use than there is for potassium
chloride, calcium chloride, barium chloride or any
other chemical on the druggist’s shelf.
• Salt cannot be digested, assimilated or utilized
by the body. Salt has no nutritional value! Salt has
no vitamins, no organic minerals and no nutrients
of any kind! Instead, it is harmful and causes trouble
in the kidneys, bladder, heart, arteries, veins and
blood vessels. Salt is the main cause of waterlogged
tissues that cause swelling and edema (dropsy).
• Salt causes serious medical problems and can act
as a heart poison. It also irritates the nervous system.
• Salt acts to rob calcium from the body, bones,
etc. and attacks mucous lining throughout the body.
If salt is so dangerous to health, why is it used so
widely? Mainly because it’s a habit ingrained over the
years. But it’s a habit based on a serious misconception
that the body needs it. Many people never eat salt and
never miss it (we don’t own a salt shaker)! Your wise body
doesn’t want it. Once a person is free of the salt habit,
salt becomes repulsive to the taste as tobacco is to a
nonsmoker! Among certain animal species, salt acts as a
poison (particularly in the case of fowl), and pigs have
been known to die after ingesting large doses of salt.

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