Swallowing salt to obtain natural organic sodium is
like taking inorganic calcium to get calcium. Both are
chemicals and neither can be assimilated. All inorganic
chemicals cause all the body harm, digestive organs, etc.
That’s why the body sends out sudden SOS thirst signals,
calls for water, after salt is eaten! The stomach is reacting
to salt and demands water to quickly flush the salt out
through the kidneys (page 55). Imagine what effect this
has on the delicate kidney filters. Millions suffer from
serious kidney problems! Of all body organs, kidneys are
most affected by salt. What happens when more salt is
eaten than kidneys can eliminate? The kidneys break
down, the excess salt is deposited in various body parts,
especially lower extremities. To protect its tissues against
salt, the body automatically seeks to dilute it by pooling
water in needed areas to help flush out salt. As tissues
become waterlogged, swelling occurs in feet, ankles and
legs causing edema and dropsy. Salt (sodium chloride) also
causes puffy eyelids and water bags below lower eyelids
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