Sunday, January 1, 2012

Humans Won’t Take Blame for Miseries

It’s because of your bad habits that things start to
break down and decay in your body! Your bad habits
enervate and rob your energy! This is the important
point: as energy drops and you become enervated, you
do not have enough energy for your body to properly
cleanse. Low energy brings on slow functioning in all
the basic eliminative organs: the bowels, kidneys, skin
and lungs. There is no energy to function at full natural
capacity. Then poisons of all kinds are not completely
flushed out of the body, but instead are deposited inside,
slowly building up and taking a terrible toll!
Poisons start to collect in various parts of the body,
causing you illness, aches and pains. These are Mother
Nature’s flashing warning signals that you are not living
the healthy lifestyle that She and God intended for your
body! Perhaps you blame everything and everybody for
your problems, instead of analyzing your lifestyle habits
for the real causes!
“No,” you say, “I caught a cold when I worked too
hard.” “I get sick because I am getting older.” Excuse after
excuse is given . . . but never the real cause: yourself. You
alone are responsible for your aches, pains and premature
ageing! Start now living The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle!
Your unhealthy habits promote low Vital Force and
fatigue! Then the poisons can’t be thoroughly flushed
out of the body. So they find a spot to torment you and are
named according to the location of your pain. But that
pain actually came from the way you live. Don’t put the
blame elsewhere! You have enervated yourself, and the
toxic poisons from many sources of your daily living are
tormenting you. Cleanse and rebuild your Vital Force by
fasting and natural living, and fatigue will vanish!
Unhealthy living is the reason why you feel burned out,
fatigued, full of aches and pains, prematurely old and,
maybe heading straight for the human “scrap heap”!
Most people think they can attempt to break all of
Mother Nature’s good and just laws of Healthful Living.
How very wrong they are. You can never break a natural
law – it will break you! Many think they can break all of
the natural laws of health – then run to a doctor to
circumvent these natural laws by having a medical
“miracle” fix-all bandage for their misery.

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