Sunday, January 1, 2012

How Much Salt Can the Body Tolerate Daily?

There’s been a great deal of research on salt tolerance.
The American Heart Association recommends that
healthy adults reduce their sodium intake to no more
than 2400 milligrams per day. But the body’s actual
physiological sodium requirement is less than 500 mg
daily. Unfortunately, the average American salt addict
actually consumes daily 2 to 5 times his sodium tolerance!
This extremely high salt figure Americans eat is due
to the excessive amount of “hidden salt” in most all
commercial and “fast” foods. It’s in breads, cheese,
prepared meats (ham, bacon, lunch meats, etc.), frozen
and canned veggies, soups and hundreds of staple foods.
I was born and reared in Virginia and many of my
relatives suffered from high blood pressure. They died
early of strokes and kidney diseases because they were
heavy salt, pork, ham, sausage and bacon eaters. High
concentrations of table salt were used at every meal. By
the time these people were 30 years old, they ached all
over with what they called the “misery”. Their joints
were cemented, and they hobbled around stiffly and
with great pain! I believe that the heavy salt diet of the
average Southerner brought on this “misery”.
The most dramatic wrongful death case against salt
occurred in a Binghamton, New York hospital, where a
number of babies died when salt was inadvertently used
in their formula. An overdose of salt can kill a baby
quickly! The body needs natural, organic sodium – not
table salt, an inorganic chemical. You can obtain natural
sodium which Mother Nature provides in organic form
in celery, beets, carrots, potatoes, soybeans, turnips, sea
vegetation, seaweed, kelp, watercress, etc. and many
other natural, healthy foods. Remember, only organic
minerals can be utilized by your body’s living cells.

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