Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fasting – the Key to Super Energy

Fasting is the key which unlocks Mother Nature’s
storehouse of energy. It reaches every cell in the body,
the inner organs and generates the Life Forces. No one
can do it for you! It’s a personal duty that only you can
perform. No one can eat for you. And I believe that 99%
of all human suffering is caused by wrong and unnatural
eating. The efficiency of any machine depends upon the
quality and amount of fuel for generating power it is
given. And that goes double for the human machine!
Some people will blame everything on earth except
food as the cause of their physical miseries and premature
ageing. Why they are suffering is always a mystery to them.
The average person does not know how horribly unclean
the inside of their body is, caused by years and years of
overeating, eating when not really hungry and, in many
cases, wrong-minded eating of dead, devitalized foods. All
these unhealthy habits build up internal poisons and
clogging toxic wastes in their bodies.
Put the person who brags that he “enjoys perfect
health” on a complete distilled water fast for 5 or 6 days.
His breath will become putrid and his tongue will have
a foul-smelling, white coating. His urine will become
dark and evil-smelling. This definitely proves that his
whole body is filled up with decayed and uneliminated
toxic materials brought in by eating the wrong foods.
The continual accumulation of increasingly foul body
poison is the buried or latent unknown ailment. When
Mother Nature wants to get rid of this ailment by a
“crisis” commonly known as sickness, people look for
an easy “quick fix” to get rid of their troubles. They
usually ignore the miraculous one Mother Nature has
given us which has no dangerous side effects: FASTING!

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